Jessica Fu

Floating Perspective, 2016
當凝視各種災難的衛星影像時,我意識到我們僅僅是觀察者的角色;我們從未有能力對這種 “現實”產生絲毫的影響力。那種無助的情感,帶我在 “空間的距離” 這個概念上冒險;就像脫離身體束縛的遙視狀態,讓我得以在海浪、夜空,甚至到恒星和黑洞等空間裏流浪和浮遊。我們雖然能夠透過人類文明的紀錄圖像來理解歷史與當下,但與此同時,卻也只能在距離的阻隔下觀看所謂的真實(Reality);這種距離不論在情感上或本質上亦然。當在潛意識中抽離了經驗中的聲、光、影、形態甚至頻率後,站在這平面的發光體面前,我不禁想,我們究竟還可以從觀察者中喚醒什麼意志或情感?
When I gaze the satellite imagery of disasters, I realize that we, as the audience, have been only acting as observers and looking from far away; we have never been able to impact this “reality” at all. This kind of helplessness has intrigued me to work with the concept of distance in term of space. In my imagination, I was able to get out of the physical body experience and travel among the ocean waves, across the dark, starry night and even jumping into the black hole from a “floating” perspective. Every day, we learn both history and the present through reading such kind of imagery, but due to the distance between the imagery and the reality, we would probably never be able to reach to the actual reality. Such a distance has been embedded into both our emotions and the essentiality of the subject matter. Only until we isolate the senses in our experience, such as sound, light, shadow, shape and frequency, could we only be reminded of the flatness of reality through this piece of flat Illuminator in front of us; therefore, I wonder what else deep inside us could be awakened. Are there fear, memory or beliefs?